School Counsellor

School Counsellor

State Government Of Victoria, Australia

Job Function:


Details of the offer

Location: Melbourne | Northern Metropolitan
Job type: Full time / From 15/07/2024 - 14/07/2031
Organisation: Schools (Government)
Salary: Salary not specified
Occupation: Education and Training
Reference: 1419708
Job posted: 11/06/2024
Closes: 24/06/2024
Occupation: Education and Training
Job duration: From 15/07/2024 - 14/07/2031
Reference: 1419708
Occupation: Education and Training
Salary Range: Salary not specified
Work location: Melbourne | Northern Metropolitan
Selection Criteria Demonstrated experience in assessing, conceptualising and analysing wellbeing issues, and providing evidence-based direct counselling for a range of mental health issues. Demonstrated experience in planning and implementing evidence-based intervention strategies for clients with complex needs. Demonstrated ability to input into the development, implementation and evaluation of policies and strategies relating to mental health and wellbeing. Highly developed communication, networking and interpersonal skills including the ability to liaise effectively with a wide range of people. Ability to provide leadership and professional learning that informs and influences the work of others involved in the engagement and wellbeing of children and young people. Clear understanding of legislative requirements regarding privacy of health information. Role The School Counsellor is a member of the Wellbeing Team and responsible to the Student Well Being Leader. The School Counsellor contributes to the development and maintenance of a collaborative school community which is responsive to the academic, emotional and social needs of its members. The School Counsellor will work collaboratively with members of the Wellbeing Team, school leadership and staff to support individual students and the student body as a whole.
Responsibilities Provide counselling to a group of students (case load) about academic, personal, and social needs Refer students and their families to outside agencies for advice and information Work with Student Managers and classroom teachers to facilitate conflict resolution Support students in special settings and their transition to Lalor Secondary College Provide special programs for groups of students Contribute to the development and delivery of whole school and year level programs as required Liaise with relevant staff regarding special needs for students Work collaboratively with visiting and occasional welfare staff and agencies Use a range of strategies and interventions to work with young people Assess and report appropriately to ensure suitable intervention Foster effective communication with students, staff, families and community Display ethical behaviour and responsibility, including respecting confidentiality in accordance with APS guidelines Provide professional advice and support to the Principal and school community through the development of programs, procedures and policies with a focus on the wellbeing of students, particularly those at risk Develop and implement a range of programs for students and the school community that foster resiliency and respond to identify social, emotional and educational needs Provide professional development for the school community with a focus on primary prevention strategies and skills to assist, identify, monitor and manage the referral of students at risk Undertake counselling and support as required Manage a case load of students Establish links with relevant community support agencies and school networks with a view to optimising services available for students at risk that focus on primary prevention, early intervention and continuity of care Work collaboratively with the Student Wellbeing Team Undertake professional development Attend all team and school meetings Other duties as required by the Principal class Who May Apply Individuals with the aptitude, experience and/or qualifications to fulfill the specific requirements of the position.
EEO AND OHS Commitment The Department values diversity and is committed to workforce diversity and equal opportunity in schools and all education workplaces. The Department recognises that the provision of family friendly, supportive, safe and harassment free workplaces is essential to high performance and promotes flexible work, diversity and safety across all schools and Department workplaces.
Child Safe Standards Victorian government schools are child safe environments. Our schools actively promote the safety and wellbeing of all students, and all school staff are committed to protecting students from abuse or harm in the school environment, in accordance with their legal obligations including child safe standards. All schools have a Child Safety Code of Conduct consistent with the Department's exemplar available at
DE Values The Department's employees commit to upholding DET's Values: Responsiveness, Integrity, Impartiality, Accountability, Respect, Leadership and Human Rights. DET's Values complement each school's own values and underpin the behaviours the community expects of Victorian public sector employees, including those who work in Victorian Government Schools. Information on the DET values is available at
Other InformationAdvice to Applicants Applicants are free to structure applications in any manner they choose, but must ensure that the following are included:
A specific response to all of the Key Selection Criteria and position details. It is suggested that applicants limit their response to no more than 1 page (size 11) per criterion. A cover letter providing contact information including home address, email and phone number as well as the phone number of the work address at which the applicant can be contacted. A CV with a summary of experience and qualifications. Applicants must have an appropriate qualification for this position. The names, email addresses and contact details of three referees who can provide information regarding the applicant in relation to the Key Selection Criteria. Please note: The selection panel may contact referees other than those listed.
The Selection Process will involve at least the following steps: Receipt of application by closing date Shortlisting of applications Interview process (applicants may be invited back for a second interview) Referee checks (these may occur prior and/or after the interviews) Note: The panel reserves the right to contact others outside of the list of referees provided by the applicant. On making a decision to appoint, a job offer will be made to the successful applicant.
Conditions of Employment This vacancy is to replace an employee on parental absence and is for a period of seven years or until the employee absent on leave returns to duty at the school.
Location Profile Lalor Secondary College is a co-education school for students in Years 7 to 12. The school has provided the communities of Lalor, Thomastown and Epping with educational opportunities that prepare our students for their chosen pathway – be it tertiary study, trade or workforce. Our mission is to provide opportunities in a caring and supportive learning environment so that our students improve their capacity to become socially responsible, caring and confident contributors to the 21 st century.
Due to the high demand in our local community, in 2016, the school will continue to have a ceiling at Year 7 for 170 to 180 students. The school's student population ranges from 1000 to 1050 students T h e sch o ol ' s co re v a l u e s o f P ri de , A c hie v e men t, C a r i n g , Co o pe r a t i o n a n d H o nes ty a r e emb e dd e d i n ou r w ell b ein g a n d te a ch i n g p r ac t ic e s , a s w el l a s ou r S t ud e n t Co d e o f B eha v i o u r. Hi g h e x pec t a t io n s a n d w el l d e v elope d po l ic y a n d p r a c t i c e s e nsu re a c a l m t e ac h i n g en v i r o n men t t ha t a llo w s t h e f o cu s o f t h e cl a ss r o o m t o b e c e n tr e d a r o u n d t h e te a c h in g an d lea r nin g . T h e hig h e x pec t a t io n s a r e d r i v e n b y a s t uden t c u l t u re w he re s t u den t s mo t i v a t e a n d i n spi r e e a c h o t h e r t o ach i e v e e x celle n c e i n t h e a ca d em i c f i eld , ap p li e d l e a r n i n g f ie l d o r th r ou g h th e e x tr a - cu rr i cu l a r p r og r a m .
T h e e x tr a - cu rr icu l a r p r og r a m i s s u ppo r t e d b y b o th s t u den t a n d s t a ff l e d cl u bs . S o m e o f t h es e in c lu d e th e S c i en c e a n d M a t h s clu b s , M aced o ni a n F o l k D a nc i n g C lu b , Art C l ub , A n i m e C lu b , Walking Club, Mindfullness Club, Breakfast Club, H o rt i c ul t u r e C l u b , S p o rts P r og r a m , H o us e Pr og r a m , M usi c Pr o g r a m , Y ea r 1 2 M en t o r Pr og r a m a n d C he s s C l ub . T h i s a l s o i n clu d e s a uniq u e p a rt ne r sh i p w i th ABCN t ha t p r o v id e s n u me r o u s le a de r shi p op p o rt u n i t i e s t o ou r s t ud e n ts t ha t su p po rts th e s t u den t l eade r sh i p s t r uc t u r e s o f t h e Co lle g e . T h e sc h oo l ha s a n e s t a b li s he d an d de d ic a t e d W e l l bein g T ea m t ha t d eli v e r s a c o o r din a t e d app r oa c h t o t h e S tu den t W el l b ei n g Pr og r a m s t h a t ha v e bee n e m bed d e d i n to t h e s c h o o l c u rr i c ul u m a n d cul t u r e . So m e o f th e s e p r og r a m s i n cl u d e ' Y og a T hu r sda y s ' , P ee r S up po rt, A f t e r S ch o o l H o me w o rk C l u b , A n i ma l A s s is t e d T he r a p y a n d th e P r e - O r ien t a t i o n Pr og r a m . T h e C olle g e a l s o o f fe r s d i s t i n c t i v e ed u ca t ion a l p r og r a m s s u c h a s t h e Y ea rs 7 t o 1 0 di f f e r e n t ia t e d M a t h s p r og r am , Y ea rs 7 t o 9 Li t e r ac y S u pp o rt P r og r a m , H ig h P o t en t ia l Lea r n in g Pr og r a m , Y ea rs 7 t o 1 2 l a ng u ag e p r o g r a m o f fe r in g M aced o ni a n , G r eek , I tal i a n a n d F r en c h a n d a n e x t ensi v e e le c t i v e p r o g r a m i n Y ea rs 9 a n d 1 0 .
O u r sc h oo l c o m m uni ty a c k no w ledg e s t h e a bi l i ty an d t h e r igh t o f a l l s t ud e n ts to l ea rn an d to e x pe r ienc e s u cc e s s i n t h e cl a ss r o om . T h e C ol l eg e de l i v e rs a r igo r ou s an d c o mp r ehe n si v e e d uc a t io n a l p r og r a m b ui l t a r oun d th e V ic t o r i a n C u rr i cu lu m i n Y ea rs 7 t o 10 , w he re a c h al l e n gin g an d di v e r s e c u rr i c ul u m c a t e rs f o r a v a r i e ty o f l ea r n in g s t y les . T h e v a r y in g t al e n ts o f s t u d en ts a t y ea r s 7 to 1 0 a re r eco g ni s e d a n d ce l eb r a t e d a n d e x cellen c e a n d e f f o rt a r e r e w a r de d t h r o u gh o u t t h e C o l leg e a t r egul a r in t e r v al s th r o ugh o u t t h e y ea r. T h e p r og r a m o f f e r e d a t Y ea rs 1 1 an d 1 2 p r o v id e s o p po rt u n i t i e s f o r s t ud e n ts to e x c e l i n VCE, VCAL an d VE T , w hic h i s lon g es t ab l is h e d t h r o u g h r e su l ts t h a t are above state average . T h e sc h oo l h a s a s tr o n g pa t h w a y s p r og r a m t ha t e n s u r e s a h ig h r e t e n t i o n f r o m Y ea r 7 to Y ea r 1 2 a n d a s s u r e s a l l s tu den t s i n Y ea r s 9 t o 1 2 r e c e i v e cou n se l li n g i n c h o i ce s o f s t ud y an d f oc u s e s o n p r o v i d in g a n i ndi v id u a l p a t h w a y fo r e v e ry c h ild .
Our most recent building upgrades include a new Science Centre which promotes an open learning environment with the focus on independent and inquiry learning for our junior students, a new senior study centre for Year 12 students and a new administration area offering a formal environment for our administration services to function.
Information about the school, its ethos, programs and the Strategic Plan and Annual Implementation Plan can be obtained at our website –
Full time / From 15/07/2024 - 14/07/2031
Job classification:Contact:To apply for this role, you will be redirected to the Schools (Government) job application system.


Source: Jobleads

Job Function:


School Counsellor

State Government Of Victoria, Australia

Job Function:


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Built at: 2024-07-01T12:31:08.752Z