Filo is the world's only live instant tutoring app where students are connected with expert tutors in less than 60 seconds for 1-1, interactive video sessions.
Filo works 24*7 and the tutors are always available to explain, help, solve, in short, do whatever it takes to assist the student in that very moment.
More than 1.5 million students across 15+ countries are using Filo to make their everyday learning better.
Currently, there are 50,000+ tutors on Filo which makes it the largest community of tutors in the world.As a company, we are an emerging youth-oriented e-learning startup that thrives on problem-solving capability and a positive attitude.
As a team, we are on a mission to democratise education and make quality learning accessible for every student around the world.The RoleRole DescriptionThis is a part-time remote role for an English tutor at Filo.
As an online tutor, you will engage in 1-1 interactive video sessions with students, focusing on English teaching, grammar, and communication skills.
Your day-to-day tasks will involve providing instant assistance, explaining concepts, and helping students improve their English language skills.Ideal ProfileQualificationsEnglish Teaching and Online Tutoring skillsExperience in English Grammar and CommunicationAbility to create engaging and interactive learning experiencesExcellent communication and interpersonal skillsPatience and empathy in guiding students through their learning journeysPrevious experience in tutoring or teaching English is a plusBachelor's degree in English, Education, Linguistics, or related fieldYou have working knowledge of Online TutoringYou possess strong analytical skills and are comfortable dealing with numerical dataYou pay strong attention to detail and deliver work that is of a high standardYou are highly goal driven and work well in fast paced environmentsWhat's on Offer?Work within a company with a solid track record of successAttractive salary & benefitsFlexible working options