Please complete to Apply for Competitions Administration & Service Assistant ( Casual / Temp ) ( Maximum term Casual Contract )
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Please either Attach or Copy & Paste or Link To a combined Covering Letter and Resume Attach / Upload a File Copy & Paste or Type it in Link to a File Online Choose file or Drag & Drop File here
Allowed File Types: doc, docx, htm, html, mdi, pub, pdf, wps, txt Max Size 2.0Mb Please indicate your Salary Expectations per Hour in Dollars (ex cluding Superannuation)
$ per
Please check the Job Advertisement for any other package details.
Where work is part-time, please enter your actual salary expectations (not a full time equivalent salary)
Please tell us about your Recent Work - list all your Jobs in the past 5 years or list your last 5 Jobs
I'm new to the workforce
Job Title:
From: To:
Main Reason for Leaving:
I can provide a Referee from this Employer who will attest to my skills and attributes
Please tell us about your Education - list your Education and Qualifications
Now please answer these questions before sending your application...
Please be relaxed... every Application is received by Royal Agricultural Society of NSW, however you answer.
Are you completing this application yourself?
Yes No
Are you legally entitled to live and work in Australia?
Yes No
Do you have any working restrictions (e.g.
hold a Holiday Working Visa / Student Visa)?
Yes No
Have you ever worked for the Royal Agricultural Society of NSW or Sydney Showground?
Yes No
Are you willing and available to work additional hours, including weekends and public holidays in the lead up to, during and post the Sydney Royal Easter Show?
Yes No
Are you willing and available to work overtime, as required?
Yes No
Will your referees confirm you have a high level of diplomacy, honesty and integrity?
Yes No
Will your referees confirm that you have developed technology skills, with the ability to adapt to new systems and processes?
Yes No
At interview, will you be able to demonstrate your ability to manage several projects/tasks at one time?
Yes No
Will your referees confirm that you have excellent interpersonal and communication skills?
Yes No
At interview will you be able to demonstrate your excellence at cultivating relationships and communicating influentially?
Yes No
Will your referees confirm you have well developed negotiation and resolution skills?
Yes No
Will your referees confirm that you have experience in managing and prioritising schedules to meet deadlines?
Yes No
At interview, will you be able to demonstrate your intermediate level proficiency with Microsoft Outlook, Excel & Word?
Yes No
Will your referees confirm that you have experience maintaining databases?
Yes No
Will your referees confirm that you have intermediate or excellent skills in using databases?
Yes No
At interview will you be able to demonstrate your capability to coach and support a diverse team in the use of mobile technology?
Yes No
At interview will you be able to demonstrate your proven track record in proof reading and editing documents?
Yes No
Will your referees confirm that you work extremely well under time and resource pressure?
Yes No
I hereby confirm that all my responses to the above screening questions are true and correct.
I understand that any false information could lead to the termination of my application, or in the future, the termination of my employment?
Yes No
Privacy: Your details go only to Royal Agricultural Society of NSW... nowhere else