A student-led & empowering space for you.
Free Student Membership Non-Student Fees Apply The Parents & Carers Guild is a student-led, inclusive, safe and welcoming space for all students and members of community that are studying with children or other loved ones as dependents in their care.
Being a parent or carer is a constant commitment, equal to (and often greater than) the challenges of university study.
The Parents & Carers Guild has two key functions: ensuring the needs of student parents and carers are made known and are listened to, and to provide a community and support network for those seeking assistance, advice and new social connections while juggling a range of parental and academic responsibilities.The UNSA Equity Guilds are student-led spaces that serve the purpose of providing support and a safe place for communities to discuss, raise awareness of and advocate for issues affecting their community within the University of Newcastle and more broadly.
The Guilds are made up of members that identify with the represented communities.
Membership is open to students for free, to alumni and staff for a $5 fee and to community members outside of the University for a $10 fee.The Guilds are led by their respective Equity Officer, which are student-held positions.
Their role is to chair the Guild meetings, organise Guild events, and to act on behalf of the Guild by sitting on the UNSA Student Representative Council (SRC) where issues affecting students are raised and addressed.
UNSA recognises that the Equity Officer positions are an important role that takes time and dedication – because of this, Equity Officers are eligible to receive honorarium payments.Other volunteer, student-held roles will be created within the Guilds at the discretion of each Guild's members, to assist the Equity Officer in carrying out their role.Parents & Carers Guild MembershipsJoining an UNSA Equity Guild is easy & cheap.
Plus, students at the University of Newcastle can join a Guild for free!