ONI 2024-2025 Non-ongoing Talent RegisterAre you interested in working on some of the most important, complex, dynamic and stimulating work an Australian citizen can do?
Complete an application now!What is this used for?This is open for candidates to register a general expression of interest for non-ongoing (temporary) employment opportunities with ONI, enabling access to appropriately skilled and experienced individuals at short notice.
Applicants may be considered for likely temporary (fixed-term) and casual vacancies in the future.
You are committed, innovative and collaborative, with an ability to work under pressure to support our leaders.
You will be flexible, resilient, and adaptable, and bring a high level of cultural sensitivity.
We are an integrated, cohesive organisation made stronger and more resilient by our collegiality, mutual respect and unity.
The Office will use the register to access appropriately skilled and experienced individuals to deliver high quality intelligence to advance the national interest and help keep Australia safe.
What are we looking for?We are seeking highly motivated applicants to tell us about what skills, experience and qualifications they can bring to ONI.
If a position comes up, we will review the application information to see if someone has what we need.
All vacancies are based in Canberra and you will only be contacted if a vacancy arises that suits your attributes, skills and experience.
What opportunities are available?We are interested in individuals with expertise across all areas of the office's work, from intelligence support and analysis to enablers, designers and planners.
ONI may use this register to fill vacancies between APS4 - EL2 levels.
Below is a guide on which classifications may best suit your level of experience:
Our online application form will ask you to express an interest in roles from the APS Level 1 to Executive Level 2 classifications, and select what work areas you have an interest and experience in.
We also ask that you fill out some basic information about yourself as well as attaching an up-to-date resume.
Your application will remain valid until 30 June 2025.
Applications are not carried over after this time.
If you previously applied for the ONI Talent Register you will be required to submit a new application.
There is no guarantee that an offer of employment will be made while an application remains on the register.
Further, you must submit a separate application to any vacancies advertised as ongoing in accordance with the requirements of that recruitment process.
Roles are intended to be offered on a temporary basis only (non-ongoing specified term).
Ongoing engagement or promotion under the Public Service Act 1999 are not possible or available through this register.
Non-Ongoing Contract RequirementsNon-ongoing contracts can be issued for a maximum initial period of up to 12 months with the option to extend to 18 months.
Further, non-ongoing contracts can only be extended once, regardless of the length of time.
Where a non-ongoing employee has been engaged via a formal, merit-based recruitment process, the limit is 2 years for APS and EL employees.
Applicants must be Australian citizens at the time of application.
Applicants are required to have a security clearance at the level appropriate to the position.
Depending on the type of work, some roles will require a higher security clearance.
See Australian Government Security Vetting Agency (AGSVA) for additional information.
Applicants engaged into the APS may be subject to a probation period.
Start your application by clicking the "begin" button.