Churchill Primary School (CPS) is situated in the heart of Latrobe Valley and is located 160kms east of Melbourne. The school was established in 1967 to accommodate the large number of families coming to and working in the local power stations. The school has a current enrolment of 190 students. In 2024, our school has 35 staff members: 2 principal class, 1 Learning Specialist, 1 Inclusive Practice Leader, 10 classroom teachers, 4 specialist teachers, 12 classroom-based Education Support (ES) staff, 1 intervention ES, 1 primary welfare officer, and 3 administration ES staff.
During 2025, the school structure is expected to be comprised of ten classes. Each team will be led by a PLC leader. Specialist areas will be PE, ART, ICT, and Science. The expected enrolment numbers for 2025 is 210 students.
The majority of students are from the local neighbourhood. The school population can fluctuate due to the transient nature of parts of the community. The school has a SFO ratio of 0.69. Approximately two-thirds of families are eligible for the Camps, Sports and Excursion fund.
Our reading model is based on 'The Top 6' key components of reading instruction which aims to improve literacy levels by ensuring all students receive effective, evidence-based reading instruction based on the Science of Learning. At CPS, teachers explicitly teach phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension.
Explicit direct instruction is the school's instructional model and teachers incorporate the use of High Impact Teaching strategies to enhance students' engagement, outcomes, and voice.
Our core value statement: Kind Positive Learners underpins all that we do. We celebrate the efforts of our students, their passions, and their achievements and recognize that students bring different knowledge and life experiences to new learning. We strive to develop socially responsible individuals and foster a community of life-learners. CPS is one of a number of Berry Street Education Model schools which supports all students to feel safe, valued, and be ready to learn.
Hazelwood Estate Campus is situated 5km from the main campus. The campus has two classrooms and large grounds and is set amongst rural farmlands.
Hazelwood Estate FLO caters for students from across the Latrobe Valley, who are at risk of disengaging from education due to dysregulated behaviour, complex mental health needs, or trauma. The school is overseen by a Governance Group set up from the Latrobe Valley Principal Network Board. The students attend the school for three days a week and are collected from their base school by the school's bus. The teachers at Hazelwood Estate provide outreach for the students at their base school on the other two days and work collaboratively with families and agencies.
The school uses the Berry Street Education Model, Zones of Regulation, and explicitly teaches prosocial skills. The program has a strong focus on teaching literacy and numeracy. The school has the capacity for up to 10 students a semester with small staff-to-student ratios. The school also provides an outreach program for students when they are at their base school.