Job Description
Job Specific Information: SOFTBALL (COED) (COROLLARY) HIGH SCHOOL (3-B09)
Description of Activity: The coach is responsible for implementing the entire program including the rules of the sport, MPSSAA, and MCPSSAA. The coach is expected to keep in regular contact and communication with the athletics specialist. This is a Temporary Part Time (TPT) position that does not include benefits. Wage range is dependent on multiple factors. For wage information for this position, please contact the hiring manager.
To be an athletics coach in MCPS, an applicant must be interviewed and hired by the principal or designee at the school where the coaching vacancy exists.
Coaches must be qualified and are hired for one season. Schools must hire qualified MCPS teachers or professional certified educators to coaching positions, if available. Emergency coaches may be hired if no qualified MCPS teacher or professional certified educator is available.
To be a certified coach, an applicant must: Be an MCPS teacher or professional certified educator employed by MCPSHave completed or be enrolled in the two credit MCPS course "Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries, Coaching Fundamentals and CPR/AED" which is offered periodically through the MCPS Athletics UnitComplete/submit the on-line MCPS ApplicationTo coach as a Level I Emergency Coach, an applicant must: Be a certified teacher (though not employed by MCPS)Have completed the two credit MCPS course "Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries, Coaching Fundamentals and CPR/AED" which is offered periodically through the MCPS Athletics UnitComplete/submit the on-line MCPS ApplicationTo coach as a Level II Emergency Coach, an applicant must: Be a high school graduateBe at least 21 years of ageHave completed the two credit MCPS course "Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries, Coaching Fundamentals and CPR/AED" which is offered periodically through the MCPS Athletics UnitComplete/submit the on-line MCPS Application