Please complete to Apply for Food & Beverage Attendant [ Part Time ] [ K'gari Beach Resort, K'gari (formally Fraser Island) ]
Application InstructionsApply using a Social Network: Seek It's OK to SMS me about this Application
Application MaterialsPlease either Attach or Copy & Paste or Link To a combined Covering Letter and Resume
Allowed File Types: doc, docx, htm, html, mdi, pub, pdf, wps, txt Max Size 3.0Mb Online ResourceTo link your Application to an online resource such as an online resume, profile or portfolio of work, enter the URL (web address).
Work HistoryPlease tell us about your Recent Work - list all your Jobs in the past 5 years or list your last 5 Jobs
Video SubmissionPlease record a single 5 minute video in response to the following questions:
Introduce yourselfTell us what interests you about this positionShare three qualities that will make you a star in this rolePre-Employment QuestionsNow please answer these questions before sending your application:
Do you identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander?
Yes NoAre you an existing employee of Kelsian Group Limited?
Yes NoHave you ever worked for this organisation or one of its subsidiary businesses in the past?
Yes NoDo you have any physical or psychological impairments that might interfere with your ability to perform the duties of this job?
Yes NoWill you be willing and available to undergo a pre-employment medical and drug and alcohol screen, if required?
Yes NoDo you consent to a criminal record check?
Yes NoDo you consent to us checking your 'right-to-work' status with the Department of Immigration and Citizenship?
Yes NoDo you require Sponsorship to work in Australia?
Yes NoAre you on a Working Holiday Visa (subclass 417 or 462)?
Yes NoShould you proceed to the interview stage, do you have any access requirements?
Yes NoI give my permission to conduct reference checks once my interview has been completed.
Yes NoI confirm that all my responses to the above screening questions are true and correct.
Yes NoKingfisher Bay Resort and K'gari Beach Resort are located on K'gari (Fraser Island), postcode 4581.
This postcode dictates that work at this business does not qualify or count towards the 88 days of specified work for Working Holiday visa renewals.
Please answer 'Yes' to confirm you understand this before proceeding.
Yes No
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