Location Profile Dear Applicant, Thank you for your interest in the advertised position at Warrnambool College.
At a time of exciting growth and continuous school improvement, this is an excellent opportunity for a highly motivated, dynamic professional to be part of our team.
At Warrnambool College, we achieve success through persistence, resilience, and mutual respect.
The College values are: Resilience Strength Mutual respect Courage Trust Global learners Honesty Accountability Persistence
Our moral purpose is to improve educational outcomes and opportunities not just for our students, but for every student.
Based on this ethos, we promote the ideal that every Warrnambool student should thrive.
School Profile Warrnambool College is a Year 7-12 secondary school situated within parkland in the eastern area of the city of Warrnambool.
Students from the City of Warrnambool and the surrounding rural districts attend the school, which has a stable student population of more than 1150 students with boys and girls in approximately equal numbers.
Our staffing profile of approximately 150 members includes 3 Assistant Principals, 20 Leading Teachers, teaching and education support staff, wellbeing team members, and a separate re-engagement staffing complement.
Warrnambool College strives to provide quality pathways for all students.
School Values, Philosophy and Vision The primary aim of Warrnambool College is to prepare students for life as active, happy, healthy citizens.
We provide opportunities to develop the academic, social, and personal skills which will allow them to participate in and contribute to the community.
Typical Tasks
Student Attendance:
Checking rolls daily to ensure they are maintained correctly.
Maintaining student attendance database and required documentation.
Contacting parents to ascertain whether a student absence is approved.
Awarding merits as per the student attendance timeline.
Preparing reports for Homegroup teachers and House Leaders to facilitate the follow-up of student absences.
House Support:
Applying the implementation of school policy within the House office and spaces.
Answering and attending to phone calls and general enquiries to the House.
Word processing, filing, and photocopying of House documents and resources.
Ordering supplies and requisites.
Coordinating the merit system within the House.
Assisting in the organising of House events, sports days, philanthropic days, graduations, parent info evenings, and House activities including Big Life and fortnightly assemblies.
Creation of displays in House area to celebrate student achievements.
Other duties as directed by the Principal Class and House Leader.
Student Support: