NDIS & Aged Care Cleaner Contractor Role - Flexible Hours - Glenelg and Surrounding Suburbs Based City of Holdfast Bay
Salary: AUD 60,000 - 80,000
Please complete to apply for the NDIS & Aged Care Cleaner (Contract / Vacation) (Contractor Role - Flexible Hours - Glenelg and Surrounding Suburbs Based).
A resume is not required to apply for this job.
Please help us understand the hours you are available to work.
This does not necessarily mean we will expect you to work all the hours you indicate, as the role may be flexible, shift-based, or shared with other employees.
Set the Hours You are Available to Work Please indicate your Salary Expectations per Hour in Dollars (excluding Superannuation) .
Languages Other than English, please tell us of any languages that you speak and understand well.
Recent Work List all your jobs in the past 3 years or list your last 3 jobs.
Education List your education and qualifications.
Screening Questions Will your referees confirm that you are a "team player"?
Yes No
Will your referees confirm that you have a good work ethic?
Yes No
Will your referees confirm that you can present a positive image for the Company?
Yes No
Will your referees confirm your attention to accountability and confidentiality?
Yes No
Will your referees confirm that you have demonstrated an acute attention to detail?
Yes No
Will you have any difficulty in travelling to and from work at short notice?
Yes No
If successful, would you be willing and available to start immediately?
Yes No
If successful, would you be willing and available to start within 4 weeks?
Yes No
Do you have unrestricted rights to work within Australia for an extended period of time?
Yes No
I hereby confirm that all my responses to the above screening questions are true and correct.
I understand that any false information could lead to the termination of my application, or in the future, the termination of my employment?
Yes No
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