This position is expected to start thursday 18th january 2024 in a part time 22 hrsweek capacity reporting to our administration manager
You will be responsible for drawing the chalk lines for the batting boxes and bcoachesb boxes on the diamonds keeping the grass out of the infield ...
Arthur phillip high school incorporates science technology engineering the arts and mathematics steam areas fitness labs for physical education cla...
Employment type temporary full time up to 31122024 position classification senior health education officer graduate remuneration 55 63 60 09 per
Ability to develop an awareness of the maintenance of health and safety of the children in a bchildcareb setting to work under supervision as part ...
Permanent position 5 days per week lunch cover support 930 23011 4pm part time or full time educators potential for full time in the future
Demonstrated ability to effectively utilise assessment and relevant school data to optimise organisational and educational outcomes with a focus on...
Demonstrated ability to manage social media bchannelsb employment type temporary full time to develop strong and effective stakeholder and community
When applying for an aboriginal identified position applicants must provide confirmation of aboriginality and a bcertifiedb statutory declaration u...
Certificate iii diploma or degree level qualification in early childhood education and bcareb educator experience working with children aged 0 6 pr...
Degree level qualification in early childhood education and bcareb educator experience working with children aged 0 6 preferable
The school of mechanical and manufacturing engineering at unsw has an opportunity for a motivated technical officer senior technical officer experi...
Apply now role educator diploma location ashfield 2131 nsw centre goodstart ashfield employment type full time 38 hours permanent pay 29 31
Approval to teach special education andor demonstrated experience and expertise in leading the collaborative delivery of quality personalised teach...
Rouse hill high school is a comprehensive high school in the growing northwest sydney area stage six students study the higher school certificate u...
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